What is an API?

What is an API?

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API  stands for Application Programming Interface and it used as a communication protocol between a client and server which intended to simplify the building of client-side software.It allows users to communicate without knowing how they are implemented.Also it can be described as a contract between the client and the server.When client makes a request in a specific format, it will always get a response in a specific format  from the server.
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An API can be used in,
  •  Web-based systems
  • Operating systems
  • Database systems
  • computer hardware
  • Software Libraries
API is a simplified way to connect your infrastructure through cloud-native app development. It also allows you to share your data with clients and other external parties. Public APIs represent unique business value because they can simplify and expand how you connect with your peers.
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For example, A newspapers distributing company can give an app for their customers These kind of apps may expensive to develop, limited by platform, and require long development time and maintenance.As an alternative, the distributor can give an API to check stock availability in the store.By using API distributor can achieve following benefits.

  • Letting customers access data via an API allow them aggregate information about their inventory in a single place.
  • The distributor can make changes to its internal systems without impacting external customers, so long as the behavior of the API doesn’t change.
  • With a publicly available API, developers working for the distributor, sellers or third parties could develop an app to help customers find the papers they’re looking for. This could result in higher sales or other business opportunities.

Companies of all sizes can utilize APIs for web analytics, project and team management tools, online payment systems, etc.

Popular APIs

  1. Google Maps API
  2. You tube API
  3. Twitter API
  4. Amazon Product Advertising
Image result for google map ApiImage result for amazon api
Image result for you tube API
Image result for twitter api

Advantages Of API

Most of the times computers are worked with the APIs compared to humans.By using APIs, company can update work flows to make them quicker and effective.

 using APIs  users or company can customize the content and services based on what they use the most.

Wider scope
An API can be used to distribute information and services to newer audiences .Also it can be personalized to create custom user experiences to clients.

 APIs can access the app components, the delivery of services and information is more flexible.

New data available

 an API allows all of the information generated at the government level to not only for selected few.but for every citizen, 

 when access is provided to an API, the content generated can be published automatically and is available for every channel. It allows it to be shared and distributed more easily.


 APIs allow content to be embedded from any site or application more easily. This guarantees more fluid information delivery and an integrated user experience.


 needs change over time and APIs help to anticipate changes. In short, APIs make service provision more flexible.

sources: https://bbvaopen4u.com/en/actualidad/8-advantages-apis-developers


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