Enterprise Resource Planning - 2

Challenges in Adopting Enterprise Resource Planning  Systems

Most of the ERP systems are developed in European countries and those ERP systems are not 100% fit with developing countries. Because there are technical and economic gaps between developed and developing countries. Adopting an Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in a developing country is a challenge. 
we can categorize those challenges as Economical, Implementation and cultural challenges.

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Economic Challenges

  • Cost of software acquisitions.
  • Cost of license.
  • Cost of ERP consultants.
  • High Configuration cost.
  • Lower turnovers of companies.

Implementation Challenges

  • Poor level of business best practices.
  • Poor quality of data.
  • Lack of proper experience.
  • Lack of consultation.
  • Poor level of interaction.
  • Unavailability of hardware.

Cultural Challenges

  • Poor level of business best practices.
  • Poor quality of data.
  • Lack of proper experience.
  • Lack of consultation.
  • Poor level of interaction.
  • Unavailability of hardware.


  • Conduct a structured Training program.
  • Better understanding via awarness programs.
  • More with people, but not with process and technology.
  • More customizable locally developed products.
  • Through understanding through questions and answers.
  • Business process reengineering.
  • Data gathering on time sufficiently.


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