Angular 08 - How to create Angular CRUD operations with web API (Part A)

How to create Angular CRUD operations with web API

Today we are going to build a  application using and Angular with web API to add ,delete and update employee details . 

Step 01Create a project using visual studio

First we should create a Microsoft Visual Studio Project to develop the web API.
when you are creating new project follow below steps.

  • File →  New  →  Project  →  AP.Net.Web Application → Give a name and location (webapi)  → select "ok"→ select "web API" → select "ok".

Step 02 Create database and tables in SQL

After that we can create database using Microsoft Server Management Studio.Follow below steps to create a database.

Create Database

  • Database →New Database → give a name to database (EmployeeDB) → Select "ok".
  • Now you can see the database which we created under database node.
Create Table 
  • Table → New Table → give a name to table.(Employee)
Step 03

Create model

Lets create entity model in API for above table.Follow blow steps to to create entity model.

Solution Explorer → Models → Add → New Item → Select Data from left panel → ADD.Net Entity Data Model → Name the model(DB Models) → Add → Select EF Designer from Data → Next → New connection → give server name(localhost) → select Database(Employee DB) → put a class name to connection settings(DB Model) → next → select Entity Framework 6.x.→ Next →select the database object which should be included in the entity model → Finish.

after above steps you will get entity model as below images.

  • re build the solution before tart creating the controller.

 Step 04

Create Controller

Controllers → Add → Controller → web API 2 controller with actions, using Entity Framework → select Model Class(Employee)  and Data Context Class → Name the controller

  • now go to view and click  view on a browser. It will show this one port.

  • WebAPI and Angular project are running on different ports.To avoid that follow following steps.
          Tools  → NuGet Package Manager  →Package Manager Console  → type " Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Cors" in console.

  • After that open the WebApi Config file in the App_start.
  • Type following to Enable CORS and put web address of the angular application.

  • After that build the project again.
In next post i will explain how to do changes in Angular application to connect the Web API and database .


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