Scrum Methodology

Scrum Methodology

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Scrum is a methodology for Agile development. Normally we used it for product development where a development team works as a unit to reach a common goal. Also, it is applicable to software development projects. It is a lightweight, iterative and incremental methodology. 

There are main roles in Scrum methodology . They are the product Owner, Scrum Master and Scrum Team. Also, they used Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog and Burndown chart as their artifacts in product development.

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The product owner lists down all the changes planned in the product development and prioritizes them. The result of this process is called a Product Backlog which is high level, descriptive prioritized list.

Scrum Team consists of 5-9 project members who are problem solvers and designers. They are responsible for delivering the product. Also, they are cross-functional and self-led. There is no specific job role to a scrum team member. Everyone in the Scrum Team should be able to swap tasks with another member.

Scrum master coaches the development team and makes sure that goal is fixed for the Sprint . The Scrum Master meets with the team every day in brief meetings, Daily Scrums.

Sprint is a focused effort for a thirty day period towards a fixed goal. In the sprint, The prioritized functionality is broken down into detailed tasks and development is carried out. Highest prioritized goals in the product backlog are transferred into a Sprint Backlog . Sprint Backlog contains the list of items to be completed within a Sprint. Also, the Burndown chart publicly displayed showing the remaining work in a Sprint Backlog. It is updated daily basis.

Each Sprint enhances the product's market value and adds new functions and improvements that can be delivered to the customer.

Benefits of using Scrum methodology

  • Improved quality of product development.
  • Faster delivery of projects.
  • The high return of investment.
  • Building team characteristics
  • Generate the required data.


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