The Dark Web

The Dark Web

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The Internet is the source of information which provides us amazing facility to search for any information from any corner of the world by anyone. But most of us don’t know that it has been categorized into three levels as Surface web, Deep Web and Dark Web and also don’t know how to deal.

The Dark Web is a layer which includes information and pages that you can only get access through the overlay networks and dark-nets, which run on top of the normal internet and obscure access. You need special software, configurations or authorization to access the Dark Web because it is encrypted. Surface web is the normal web which is visible to us when we use the internet. It is also known as the indexed web, Light-net and visible web. The websites in the surface web are indexed by search engines. Examples for the surface web are Google, Wikipedia, Bingo, etc. It is only 4 % of the internet.

Deep Web is also known as invisible web and hidden web contents of which are not indexed by standard web search engines for any reasons. A few examples are academic information, medical records, scientific reports, legal documents, government resources. The content of the deep web can be located and accessed by a direct URL or IP addresses, and it may require passwords or other security accesses past the public website page.

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Most of the dark web pages are hosted anonymously. The dark web is a small part of the deep web that is not indexed by search engines. The dark-nets, that constitute the dark web include small, friend to friend, peer to peer networks, as well as large popular networks like Tor, Free-net, Riffle, etc. which are operated by public organizations and individuals.

Dark Web markets are places where people can hire a hit-man, buy guns, drugs, fake passports, legal and illegal pornography, hacking tools and so many illegal things. Also, you can buy e-books and software through the Dark web.

When you purchase through the Dark Web, nobody has to know about your details, though you want to buy an illegal product. There is no physical contact with vendors and you can buy products conveniently for huge discounts.

Though purchasing through Dark Web is convenient, there are a lot of disadvantages of that. Some of them are customers can’t be sure that the stuff they order is the stuff they will get, you can’t check the quality of the product and there are a lot of troubles with the law. The Dark Web is like a double-edged sword which has both benefits and disadvantages. It is in our hand to use it in a proper manner.


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